Books from the Córdoba Festival

Every year the festival of Córdoba publishes a fascinating book about a public figure within the world of the guitar. This is the complete collection of “Nombres Propios de la Guitarra”. Each book contains the transcription of the lectures which were presented the preceding year. This year they are starting a new collection which will probably have a different name because the connection to the guitar is not quite so direct. My lecture about the Rafael Casana guitar which Julio Romero de Torres painted so often was a success and especially entertaining thanks to Javier Riba. He spoke briefly about some of the paintings and played the guitar so that we could hear the sound of it after so many years. We know very little about Rafael Casana but by examining the guitar and the bibliography some details were brought to light. This article as well as the others presented over the following days will be collected in a book and published next year at this time.

 If you are interested in acquiring any of these volumes please contact IMAE. Contact page for IMAE