El Arte de un Guitarrero Español

Another incursion into my guitar bookshelves has reminded me of a book by a spanish maker: Jerónimo Peña Fernández. The title is “El Arte de un Guitarrero Español” and although it makes for an interesting read in Spanish , it is not what most people would expect from a method book and perhaps there are much better choices for the novice.


Above is a photo from that book showing a  bracing system that was surely his own invention. Lattice bracing that I have seen is made up of diagonally placed braces which cross each other but there are many variations on that theme. I remember reading somewhere how the Smallman type lattice came about but nobody mentioned this guy who has been building for 50 or 60 years. I don’t know when he started using this system but it was a long time ago. He is known all over the world and even seems to have a street named after him in his home town. In the book there are drawing of other systems some of which include diagonal braces.