I’m quite a traditionalist when it comes to flamenco guitars, by default I use spruce and cypress although I have used coral, rosewood and maple for the back and sides. I’ve only ever made one with a cedar top and I distinctly remember protesting to the client and offering him other options but he was sure that he wanted cedar. The ironic thing is that when the guitar was finished his financial situation had changed and I was stuck with a cedar negra wondering if someone would buy it. The guitar sold immediately and the people at the shop that took it said that it was my best flamenco yet so now I am willing to give cedar the opportunity it deserves.
It is the one on the left, I dug up the lightest wood I had as that helps me get the sound I want. Not of fundamental importance but it sems to make a difference. The bracing I use is very similar to a Barbero I saw at Casa Luthier in Barcelona,
they have some great guitars in their collection. I am trying to find some recordings I have of my guitars so watch for that.