Frank Wallace

“New and improved” sells as well today as it did back in the fifties when advertisers were using it to peddle the same tired old soap powders to those who were looking for something more.  New technology and science are being applied to guitar-making these days and although improvement might be possible, in some cases high technology, “science” and novelty are selling points regardless of the effect on the final quality of the guitar.

Thankfully there are times when we hear guitars; well-played and well made which are completely traditional and for that reason sound just the way we like a guitar to sound. The latest album by composer/guitarist Frank Wallace is a case in point.  “Four Spanish Guitars” brings us guitars by Manuel Gutierrez, Manuel de Soto y Solares, Manuel Ramírez and Ignacio Fleta and some wonderful music.Click here for information about Frank’s concerts and here if you want to listen to a few tracks.