Great Guitarreras

To be successful in this business you need to do great work and you need to stick to it. Nobody becomes an overnight success. I came to Granada 31 years ago and only now do I have the sort of recognition that will keep the orders coming in. I want to congratulate three women who are doing great work and have stuck to it. There are other women working in this field but I have spent time with each of these three and can say that I am glad to know them and grateful for their contributions to the guitar. In the article about Yunah they mention three woman guitar-makers, I think they must be talking about Ana and Susana but I am not sure who the third might be.

Yunah Park

Ana Espinosa

Susana Martín

Susana is seen here with my teacher the late José Ángel Chacón Tenllado, we both met him in the early 90’s and learned much from him.