Guild of American Luthiers 2014

I was in Tacoma, Washington last week for the GAL convention where I had arranged for Luthier’s Mercantile to sell the new book.  I showed the video and gave a short talk on the book and then was available to answer questions about it during the exhibition.  There was a lot of interest and all of the copies that were sent by the distributor were sold in a short period of time.  There were two in the auction that is part of the convention and both recieved numerous bids and sold for full price.  I also met perhaps the two best guitar-makers in the U.S. and was very happy to have that opportunity.  The convention consists of seminars, exhibition, concerts and of course some eating and drinking in between.  We had a flamenco night at a nearby bar and I was surprised by the skill of a couple of the players (guitar-makers both) and blown away by another player who turned out to be an excellent cantaor.

The members of this organization are extremely welcoming and open and the organizers themselves are wonderful, I had a great time.  I also found a Canadian distributor for the book,  so here is a list of vendors that will get the book, please contact them.
Symphony Tree
Blue Dog Guitars
Symphontree Music
Sawchyn Guitars
Folkways Music
Ottawa Folklore Centre
Tredwells music
Leading Note
Long and McQuade stores
Grand Salon de Guitare
Old Town Strings
Timeless Instruments
The 12th Fret

If you are not near any of these shops please tell your local music shop to contact me.