Guitarra Badalona: Jornadas Internacionales de la Guitarra 28, 29, 30 abril, 2017



The Associació de la Guitarra de Badalona holds a guitar festival every year but none so ambitious as this one. This year it coincides with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Antonio de Torres Jurado, often touted as the “father of the modern guitar” or the “Stradivarius of the guitar”. Don’t miss this festival with its concerts:

Antonio López Palacios

Cuarteto Terpsicore

Abel García Ayala

Carles Trepat

Lectures by experts in their fields and a fascinating exhibition of careful replicas of Antonio de Torres’ guitars. I will be lecturing at 5pm on Saturday and my Torres copy will be exhibited with 7 others. I don’t know if there will be auditions of the replicas but here is mine.