I Jornadas de Organología

The Complutense University of Madrid recently organized a musicology congress specifically centred around musical instruments. This discipline is called organology and is a word which you will not find in typical dictionaries. Among the talks were a fascinating look into the restoration of pianola scores at the Spanish National Library, an overview of the Santos Hernández archive which belongs to the provincial government of Guadalajara and a number of other subjects. Usually when I attend a congress or a festival I pick and choose what I want to attend but this time I found almost everything very interesting. I was invited to speak about the Santos Hernández guitar which Andrés Segovia donated to the Musical Library in Madrid. I have studied that guitar extensively and even drew a blueprint of it.

Day one took place in Sigüenza at the Museum which houses the Romanillos/Harris collection and Santos Hernández workshop. The two following days were hosted by the organizers at the History Faculty of the Complutense University.