
IMG_5612I spent a good chunk of time intonating the gut-string guitar on Thursday and came to the conclusion that unless I am going to start building a lot of these guitars, the compensation doesn’t really need to be modified.  In building the guitar I had reduced the compensation by 1mm but used a wider saddle so that I could find the perfect string length.  IMG_5615For the treble strings it ended up being very close to the compensation I use for nylon: of course that is for these particular strings I am using.  For the basses I used Pyramid lute strings that use some synthetic core, I don’t remember what it is. Those seemed to want less compensation than the nylon.   IMG_5613In the photo above you can see the colour of the strings and the look that gut has.  I am very happy with the sound of this guitar with these strings and will consider doing this again.  The problem of course is the fragility and the inconsistency of gut.  Not many people are willing to put up with it and I can’t blame them.   I made up my own set of strings to keep the tension below low tension nylon strings because of the extremely light build.  This can be played at 440 although I imagine it will end up with slightly heavier strings and tuned down some.