Javier Ruz


I haven’t been able to find a review of the concert but I heard it was a hit.  Javier Ruz is a great guitarist, researcher and teacher.  Since September he has been teaching at the Conservatory here in Granada and has been playing one of my guitars since 2006.  On his webpage you can see him with that guitar (I love the colour it has taken on over the years).  The concert in question was a celebration of the 700 year anniversary of the construction of the Córdaba Synagogue (Javier is from Córdoba).

Javier finished his studies with the highest distinctions at the Conservatory of Music in Córdoba in 2006 but has never stopped learning and improving himself.  Writing, teaching, playing and studying.  It is a pleasure to have him here in Granada.Here are some links which give you an idea about his other activities.

