My presentation at Summer Arts

Saturday morning I was invited to offer a lecture on the Granada school of guitar-making along with author Alberto Cuéllar. 2017-08-12 09.38.31 The students of CSU Summer Arts programme are here in Granada studying with Pepe Romero, Margarita Escarpa, Eliot Fisk, Kai Narezo, Rafael Aguirre, Vicente Coves, and David Martínez and I though it was a good idea that they learn a bit about the Granada makers. They got a list of the makers, a rundown of the history and a look at some of the problems faced by guitar-makers here. These posts (round table, first foreigners) mention some of the subjects we covered. Alberto gave them a glimpse into the motivations and personalities of the people who make your guitars and shared some stories gleaned from the interviews he conducted for the book. The Diputación de Granada made a gift of the book to all of the students and the teachers of the course.2017-08-12 09.17.532017-08-12 09.56.53