
Creating simple purfling can be done in many ways and I have tried a few. If you are confident that you can keep the final width constant you can glue the different veneers together in a mold with the shape of the guitar. In a addition to the problem of glueing up you add the problem of cutting the strips off once it is bent. A fine blade in a band saw and a raised up support works all right but still takes some skill to keep each strip even. You can then plane each strip if necessary.

Another option is to glue only two veneers together and then combine them at the time of installation. This way they don’t need to be pre-bent. I do that with the Torres copy. For the rest of my guitars I glue the four or five veneers and then put them in the Fox bender. I use hide glue as some of the synthetics don’t stand up to the heat. The problem with bending glued veneers is that they often want to twist as they bend and this makes them useless. The way around this can be seen in the photo. Adhesive Kraft paper tape is used to fix the purfling strips together so that they can’t twist.