R.I.P. José López Bellido

On Friday May 10, Granada lost one more of the master guitar-makers who made this city great. Pepe López was a special person, generous, sociable, affectionate and totally in love with the guitar and his profession. But he also valued many things outside the sphere of the guitar. One of the few guitar-makers who decided to retire and sell his workshop in order to rest and enjoy life in his later years. I wrote here about his retirement party back in 2018.  Pepe was one of the founding members of the Escuela granadina de guitarreros and worked hard for the recognition of this craft.

I would like to highlight two aspects of his personality. First, he always supported any event or proposal related to the guitar in Granada and was enthusiastic about new makers in town. Personally I always felt like he was on my side if I proposed or organized anything. And his love for his family, something I often saw manifested in the obvious affection he felt for his nieces and nephews.