Rafael Aguirre

During the first Guitar Festival in 2017 I missed Rafael Aguirre’s concert but I really don’t remember why, some family issue I am sure. So this year when I heard he was coming again I made sure that I could go. I enjoy a good guitar concert but I also like to know who the good players are and be able to make reccommendations to those who are showing some interest in the world of the classical guitar. Last night’s concert was excellent, very musical and soulful and technically perfect as well. The music was well-chosen and although mostly Spanish it went beyond the so often repeated repertory of Granada concerts. I will also mention the ease that Rafael has with the audience and his efforts to bring the music closer to us through a personal anecdote or a brief explanation of the history of the piece in question. This makes all the difference in the world to those who are not asiduous concert-goers and helps in the struggle to take the guitar to a wider audience. Thank you Rafa.