Romanillos/Harris Guitar Museum

I finally managed to visit the Casa del Doncel in Sigüenza for the first time. It was a pleasure and an honor to get to see Marion again and to see firsthand some of their important work. The guitars on display are very interesting and of course the workshop of Santos Hernández is full of fascinating clues as to how he worked. In the photo you can see a workboard which shows one of the systems Santos used to put together his guitars. The piece showed here was apparently part of the Metropolitan exhibition and is explained very well in an article by Bruné and Sheppard in American Lutherie. Basically the guitar is built facing down but starting by gluieng the back on first.

The occasion was the I Congress of Organology and the Romanillos-Harris Association  and the town of Sigüenza were involved in the organization.  Everyone from the Association  was helpful and friendly and I hope it continues to grow and do great things. More about the Congress soon. One of the highlights was a short concert by Javier Somoza which took place under the newly discovered mudejar arch.