The Irish Harp

I just got back from a holiday in Ireland. Highly recommended by the way. We had the misfortune to coincide in Dublin with the Aer Lingus College Football Classic so it was overrun with tourists. My son was amazed and very interested in the troubles which we heard all about on our trip to Belfast and Derry. Music was everywhere so of course it made me think of guitars. I often complain that none of the different levels of government here ever do anything to promote the guitar and guitar-makers despite Spain and specifically Granada being the most important centre in the world. Well the Irish do not have that problem. The official symbol of Ireland is the oldest conserved harp in the country (on display at Trinity College).  According to our guide Ireland is the only country in the world which uses a musical instrument for its symbol. It just makes me think: Couldn’t we do something like that with the guitar? I suppose Spain could use the bulls, wine, paella, some iconic image of flamenco, a fan, windmills or olive oil but is there anything more universally Spanish than the guitar?