Then and Now

I have begun taking photos of every finished guitar and trying to keep a careful record. But… why didn’t I do that from the beginning? I have made some instruments with some amazing colour combinations, decorations or downright stunning wood and I will probably never see them again. On the one hand that is the way of a creative line of work but on the other hand we can become inspired by what we have done in the past and the photos make for good publicity 😉

Looking back is good in another way too: Now I can perform certain tasks in a much shorter time and to a greater level of perfection but in the past I did some extra work on decorative elements which today I might shun as unnecessary. I might never do those things again but I would like to have them around to refer to. For the most part my rosettes have become better with time but maybe some of the first ones had a freshness or originality that are worth preserving.