Guadalupe Martin et Antoine Guerrero

Si os apetece verlos hay otra oportunidad este domingo en Salobreña. El concierto en Salobreña será el 25 de febrero a las 17:30 horas en el Auditorio, con una entrada de 10 euros y cuenta con el apoyo del Ayuntamiento de Salobreña. Esta última información de

Anoche, en “Un Lugar en Granada” vimos a un dúo fantastico de la ciudad de la luz. Son muy jovenes pero ya con muchas tablas. Disfrutamos de transcripciones de obras para piano sobre todo, algunos hechos por ellos mismos. Fue un placer escuchar lo bien que se complementan no solo los artistas sino una guitarra de Antonio Marín y una de 1953 de Marcelo Barbero. Especialmente interesante son las canciones de Carlos Guastavino.

Victor Bravo – Simplicio

This is my friend Victor Bravo, guitarist and guitar teacher with the brand new Francisco Simplicio copy. He brought his Rolf Eichinger guitar which need a bit of fret work. It is always nice to see the master’s work after all this time. I still find his instruments wonderfully made.

As for the Simplicio, I am very pleased with the sound and the feel of the guitar and it goes without saying that the design is unique and striking. I have already decided to make another starting now and this one will be made outside of my order schedule so it will be available.

Almost finished

The Simplicio project has taken forever but the guitar is finally ready to be strung up. The significant differences in structure should make for a sound which will be quite different from my other guitars. Of course it is more the external aspects which have taken so long to do. I generally like to leave off any fancy purfling on the backs of my guitars and they end up looking like they have a one-piece back. The experience of this guitar has make me re-think that a bit and maybe I will do the centre strip a bit more often now.

Arias en Semanario Lanza 12 de enero

La busqueda de guitarras de Vicente Arias.

Tasaciones – Appraisals

foto: Marcus Toscano

La tasación de violines es un oficio muy establecido y las compañías de seguros utilizan estas tasaciones para fijar el valor de un instrumento asegurado. En el mundo de la guitarra los valores son mucho más bajos y los tasadores no podemos cobrar tanto como cobran los que tasan violines. Sin embargo es un trabajo muy interesante y ultimamente he tenido la suerte de hacer tasaciones de guitarras muy buenas. Obviamente para hacer un trabajo así es conveniente conocer muy bien el trabajo del constructor en cuestión. Extiendo certificados de autenticidad además de tasaciones. Es imprescindible ver la guitarra en cuestión para poder dar mi opinión. Ultimamente he trabajado con la casa de tasaciones Taxo, empresa del Grupo Tinsa. Si tiene interés en mis servicios pueden contactar a través de Taxo o conmigo directamente.

Violins appraisers have been around for ages and their appraisals are used by insurance companies to establish the insured value of instruments. For various reasons vintage guitars do not command the sort of prices that violins do so the market for guitar appraisers is not so big and the fees charged are not so high. However, it is a very interesting job and lately I have appraised some very interesting guitars. I offer certificates of authenticity as well as declarations of value although I limit my work to the historic guitar-makers that I am most familiar with. In any case, I cannot offer either service without first examining the guitar in person. Recently I did some work for Taxo, is a company which is part of Tinsa Group. If you have a guitar you would like to value or authenticate you can contact me directly or go through Taxo.