Guitars Available Now in Shops

Santos – Korea

I love selling guitars to people I get to meet or communicate with by email or phone. I can customise the guitar, they get to ask all the questions that they have and it is generally a good experience for all. However, I have had very good experiences too with people who have contacted me after buying one of my guitars at a dealer. Not to mention the great relationship I have with some of the shop owners.

Here are a few guitars that are available right now (as far as I know). It is a good way to skip the waiting list and thoroughly try the guitar out before you buy.


Santos Hernández copy in Partita (Korea)

Flamenca blanca in Casa Luthier (Barcelona)

Concert 650 scale at Siccas (Germany)

Concert 650 scale at DKclassical in (Glasgow)

Flamenca negra in Guitarras de Luthier (Madrid)