Canadian Cedar

I make most of my guitars with european spruce for the top mostly because my clients seem to like it. I have used sitka spruce a few times with good results and of course lots of canadian cedar for classicals. I like cedar tops a lot but I don’t tend to use them on flamenco guitars that I make even though the two that I did make turned out great. I wonder if I should try another and break my prejudice about cedar. Maybe part of what I don’t like is cedar with cypress – because I tend to prefer cypress for flamenco guitars.

Here are some reasons to use cedar: The availability is good given that trees are large and grow quite straight. It can be very stiff and light. You don’t need to worry about colouring the finish (if you worry about that sort of thing). I do, I like a bit of colour on a top. Again because of the size of the trees it is quite easy to find a top with uniform grain. I don’ think that is very important but more and more often buyers are looking at aesthetic qualities of the top wood because they wrongly believe that this affects the sound. The world would be a happier place if people trusted us to do the best we can and then trusted their ears and fingers when searching for a guitar.

Granada and the Traditional Guitar

The latest version of the Granada Guitar-makers book is now available from the retailers in this link: CLICK


Guitar books Available

As well as the second edition of the book about Granada guitar-makers, I have also sent out copies of “The Art of Guitar”. This book was published in 2006 but has not been easy to find due to distribution issues. It is little more than photos of myself working in my workshop. The text is minimal. However, there are techniques illustrated that you might find useful and the photos are lovely. You can find it here The Art of Guitar

And here The Art of Guitar

Of course the international distributor for the other book also has this one.

El libro de los guitarreros

Esta página es muy útil para buscar una librería donde comprar este libro en España. . Pinchar en Ver disponibilidad.



La Guitarra Tradicional en Granada

Por favor, no me pidan este libro a mi sino en su librería. Hoy llegan los libros a los distribuidores. La nueva versión de “La escuela granadina de guitarreros” está disponible ya con el título “La guitarra tradicional en Granada”. Sepan que es el mismo libro solo con 10 guitarreros añadidos y sus correspondientes textos y fotos. En España deben pedir el libro en su librería favorita y citar el ISBN 978-84-09-62794-3 y el editor John Lawrence Ray. Si no lo encuentra dígales que distribuye Azeta Distribuciones. Pidiendo el libro en librerías me están ayudando mucho dar a conocer el libro y la guitarra granadina. Fuera de España contacten con Madera Guitarras.